Friday, December 5, 2008

random knitting

That's right. It's the Christmas season, but am I knitting a Christmas present? No. I bought some random Patons Stretch Sock last week, and it was there in the tub staring at me . . . saying Knit With Me . . . and so I am. I'm doing the November Socks, found on this quality blog, and they are just scooting right along. I think the yarn I have is a little TOO variegated for the pattern to really show, but whatever. These are not expected to be work-of-art socks. I can guarantee you I'll make the pattern again, though. You get a really nice honeycomb pattern for hardly any effort at all. If I ever have to make someone fancy-looking socks fast, I'm doing this pattern in a solid color. Bam. Done.

Another element to the speediness might be my needles: while cleaning the downstairs hallway last night, I found a ziploc bag of random yarn-related items. Most of it was fugly crochet patterns from the 70's--plus one book that actually has really nice classic baby stuff--but there were two sets of old Boye aluminum double points, and I'm knitting this sock on the size 1s, and dude. It's going like a dream. They're really light, and really smooth, and I've only had bamboo needles in this small a size before. I think I'm a convert. Tiny metal needles really spin my propeller. I must have more!

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