I have been doing some knitting with the computer all busted: this is a hat I did just before the madness started. I have no idea where the hell the pattern is, so don't ask. I do know that it's Patons Classic in . . . some color that's named after a wine. (I'm always so gloriously exact, aren't I?) Oh, and this is that hat that was on a bowl on a stick. It's MUCH better for a good blocking. Floppier, as it's supposed to be. Or, at least, as I like it to be.
I'm thinking about sweaters, but not really getting anywhere. I--oh, I knit a good five inches of sock during the Super Bowl. Holy crap, what a game! I did feel slightly guilty, though: towards the end of the game my hands were getting tired, so I took a wee break. And the Cardinals started scoring and all this stuff, and though I try not to be superstitious, I picked up the ol' knitting, and lo and behold, the Steelers march down the field. Coincidence? I don't know. The worst of it was, then I had to KEEP knitting, and it's not easy to knit dark yarn on darkish size 1 needles when there's 40 seconds left in the game and you need a touchdown to win. And your hands are all sweaty and nervous. But I kept on, and Santonio caught the ball.
And I swear to you I'm not superstitious.
But what if it wasn't a coincidence???
The best part of all this is that I don't even particularly like the sock--I mean, it's a nice sock, a Jaywalker in some dark tasteful Trekking XXL, but not a GREAT sock--but I feel I shouldn't unravel it. It has MEANING.
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