Tuesday, March 11, 2008

debating ugliness.

Ever knit something you can't decide if it's cool or ugly? Ever knit something you're pretty sure is ugly just because it's fun to knit? I'm doing both of those things right now. (Unless it turns out ot be cool once it's on.) I'm knitting up the . . . what the hell to call it? A capelet? A shrug? A weird-ass bolero? Anyway, it's the 'thing' that's on the cover of 2006's (I think) winter Vogue Knitting.

I found the magazine while cleaning my room, looked at the cover, and thought God, that's ugly. But then after a second and a third look I started thinking it was kinda cool. And then I had enough yarn to make it. And then I started making it. And it's really fun to knit. It's got cables just frequently enough to be interesting, and you don't have to look at the pattern too often, and I'm still entertained by seeing the strip of knitting turn into a pentagon. So. We'll see if it's cool or ugly in probably ten days. And we'll see if it fits. I have problems with making things fit, as I may or may not have discussed already. There's something about ease that just doesn't compute in my brain. I can't seem to figure out what size will fit my body the way it's supposed to, and I tend to make things too big, unless it's some top-down item that I can try on as I go.

And I'm also making a lace scarf from the unraveled bits of my red sweater. I have so much red yarn it isn't funny. I'll have to pick a second project to make out of it. Whee! Lots of free yarn! And recycled, so it's like I'm saving the planet.

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