That's right. It all fits. The stubby wee arms, the short rows, everything. IT ALL FITS. I can't even tell you how thrilled I am. My mother loves her sweater. (She was so stunned by it that she had to ask if I made it. No, Mum, I bought your sweater this year. Of course I made it!) The Retro Socks were a hit, and the Infinity Gauntlet, though I was up much too late and much too early finishing the damn thing, is utterly fantastic. Behold:

Yeah. I think I may have to make a whole pair with full fingers and everything. That is a pretty great, geektastical item. And I want one for myself. I admit it.
Yay! Go Christmas! Go everyone liking their presents! Oh, and the mitts were a hit at the handmade grab bag. I like it when everyone likes their presents and EVERYTHING FITS.
Holy crap! Kate I have been a fan of Infinity Gauntlet since the original issues came out in '91... Would you consider making a pair of these for me? I live in New Zealand but would gladly pay you for your time and shipping. Let me know!
Kate can you sell me this pattern????? My boyfriend is crazy in love with Thanos, and I would love to make this for him. please email me at
Kate can you sell me this pattern????? My boyfriend is crazy in love with Thanos, and I would love to make this for him. please email me at
Is this pattern available for sale anywhere??? Very very interested 😊🙀😍💕💕💕❤️
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