Right. So here we have the third attempt at a Manly Sock for my dad. I think this one is ok. It's mostly plain, with some wee cables (that you can sort of see in the photo) down the sides so I don't die of boredom while knitting. I'm going to poll the three straight men I work with to see if this sock is, indeed, Manly. It damn well better be, because if not I'll have to go with boring-ass ribbing, and I might die.

Next up we have my second Unoriginal Hat. It's got six pattern repeats, and this time I was smart enough to put the extra ribbing at the bottom when I started, not picking up later. Go me! If this works, I shall make approximately two more in the same semi-Unoriginal pattern. There was a sale on Patons' Shetland Chunky, or whatever the heck it's called. It's not bad, for acrylic.

Oh, and my exciting new skill that I'm learning while knitting the Manly Sock is
cabling without a cable needle, courtesy of the great Grumperina. Seriously. It's easy and awesome. If I'd bothered to learn this while making Shedir, things would have gone a lot faster, and there would have been less swearing. I think.
And best yet, in random conversation yesterday, a person I have made a purple hat for mentioned that her favorite color is purple. There is no way I could have known this, because she doesn't wear a lot of purple, though she could. Hmm, her phone case is purple, though. Maybe I should have known.
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